Why We Need Queer Films
My purpose as an LGBT filmmaker is to tell queer-focused stories that have a universal appeal. While huge strides have been made toward tolerance and equality in day-to-day life, diversity in film and television falls short. LGBT characters are often minor characters or over-sensationalized stereotypes. My goal with Sebastian is to change the game.
Since the horrific shooting in Orlando in June, 2016, more than ever there is a need for safe spaces for queer and LGBT peoples. In this day and age, there are still people who do not believe in equality for us. There are people who have been brainwashed with mainstream homophobic content that makes them truly believe we are lesser people.
Creating safe spaces for LGBT people is not only physical, it’s creating mental safe spaces as well, through mediums like film and television. With all the stories of homophobic acts of violence throughout the world and right-wing celebrities denouncing LGBT people publicly day and after day, how do we do create this mental safe space? How do we reach out to that boy scared to come out of the closet? How do we reach that trans woman who is afraid to use a public restroom? We do this by creating a film with gay characters in the spotlight that portrays them as normal, complex characters; by not shying away from issues that pertain to the queer experience; by creating characters that are not afraid to stand proud.